Quoted in China Daily “Taxing times as Asia gets tough on sugar”

An unhealthy population “presents a fiscal time-bomb for many countries”, said Kris Hartley, assistant professor with the Department of Asian and Policy Studies at The Education University of Hong Kong.

Hartley said the increased incidence of chronic illnesses caused by obesity will not only strain public health systems but also affect productivity. “It will have a negative impact, with more work days missed, lower levels of energy and creativity, and shortened working lives overall,” he said.

Hartley, from The Education University of Hong Kong, said, “Obesity is the result of a complex combination of factors, including lifestyle and diet.” He proposed “a creative mix of policies”, where, for instance, a sugar tax can be complemented by health education programs.

Sarmiento, Prime. 5 Nov 2019. “Taxing times as Asia gets tough on sugar.” China Daily. (https://www.chinadailyhk.com/articles/137/109/137/1572924136819.html?newsId=111575)